Monday, 19 August 2013

Responding to Letters #1 2/2

Hello there!
I'm back with the second part of Responding to Letters #1. As usual, I will omit some parts of the original letter so the sender's privacy will not be disclosed. The quotes that I do take, however, are not altered in any way, apart from some spelling corrections. Please enjoy this part, and let me know what you think of it!
My inserts are in bold font.

Sender: Anie
Date received: Monday, 12th of August, 2013.
Last Revision Date: Wednesday, 14th of August, 2013.

"We went on a scavenger hunt one day, where we rented bikes, cycled to town and looked for something with every letter of the alphabet and took a picture of it - A for apple, B for bag."  Oh, I love scavenger hunts! In my school, we had a Friendship Day scavenger hunts where the teachers got us to search for letters hidden around the school and school yard, and then unscramble the letters to make a word. Even though we knew that the letters always spelled "friendship", it was good fun to look for them with a partner.
"When we went horse riding I had a sandy coloured horse with a strange Hungarian name. I think it was Chua...?" I'd love to go on a horse named Chua. That name reminds me of Chewits, and they used to be my favourite sweet until I came across this lovely Russian chocolate sweet, or which I forget the name. It was covered in chocoalte and had a delicious nut on the inside. "I was in a room with six other girls, because there were only seven of us that actually went. I got along well with all of them, but I just stuck around with the lads. But going back home, you were right about Jess." Really? Hm, that's news! For those of you that don't know Jess was a girl I just didn't like much. I won't go into details because that would take far too log, and probably not very interesting anyway. "But one good thing did come out of it, she's the reason I became friends with Olga. She was adopted from Russia, and she's really sweet." Aw, I'm from Russia! I moved to Ireland with my parents when I was about seven and lived here ever since. Sometimes I miss Russia, but mostly I have far too much fun here to want to move back! "She has a grey and white cat named Wispa. He's a vicious little thing. but he's alright when you get to know him."Having five cats myself, I know what it feels like having one little arrogant cat. Gammi has the most annoying meow which sounds something like this: "MMMMMneeeeaaaaowwwrrr!" Hopefully I didn't just burst your eardrums while you imagined what must have sounded like. Let me tell you, horrible.
"I don't know if you knew I had a second dog?" I did indeed. "She was black and white , and her name was Panda, short for Pandora." Panda was so cute! She was a lovely and sweet greyhound, but her tail hurt like a whip. I remember that Anie and I once were taking both Panda and Sweetie for a walk in the nearby field, and they gave me a professional flying lesson. "We had to give them to the dog's home, because my mum got a full time job and there was no one home to look after them anymore. I really miss them sometimes. They're somewhere in Laois, I think...anyway, I'll leave it there, this is like my life story!" Whenever I write letters, they are pages long. I tend to stretch them out for a long, long time, and then they start to seem like some of my long blog posts. "Anyhow, reply A.S.A.P!!! Lots of love,
From Anie."

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the second part of the letter from my friend Anie! Please let me know if you enjoyed it, didn't really like it, if I should continue doing things like this, or if I should just scrap the idea. See you all soon! :)

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